Friday, 9 November 2007

is freaking 4am!!!! o.O'

ok. this was yesterday night till yea, this morning.

the route to GK.

Henry tend to be an asshole at times. yea, especially when i am darn
serious into studies. >:(

when the clock strikes 3am, we hunger for food.
that's when Henry drove his honda out to hungry jacks getting us burgers.
but it somehow turned into a late night party. totally had no idea. they are
just unbelievable and unexpected. they are just funny shit. :)

final destination. back to computer pool.
and i was camwhoring with Henry's D&G.

my z600i is designed for Microsoft Windows XP okay??
thanks, Henry for pulling it out from your notebook just
to give it to me. :D

i am sorry guys. i just dont feel like typing that much.
no mood lah. plus tired. please pardon me!!
i will be back S-O-O-N.

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